2016 Year In Miles

I traveled more in 2016 than any other year year by far. And it will likely be a long time before I travel as much in one calendar year again. I started grad school this past summer — time and money will be in short supply for the next three years. But instead of getting sad about it, I thought I would take a look back at my 2016 Year in Miles by the numbers:
Miles Flown: 136,058 (butt in seat, enough to fly around the earth over 5 times)
Number of Flights: 59
Airlines Flown: 13 (listed in order of most to least miles flown)
American, Alaska, British, Emirates*, Qantas*, Cathay Pacific*, Delta, Icelandair*, Singapore*, JetBlue, AirFrance, KLM*, Penair*
*First time flying with the airline
Number of Unique Airports Visited: 29
Shortest flight: 127 miles (SEA-YVR)
Longest flight: 8,339 miles (LAX-DXB)
Miles earned through flights: 221,060 (does NOT include credit card spend/bonuses, shopping portals, non-flight promotions, JetBlue points match, etc)
Miles/points spent on 2016 award flights: 338,000
Longest stretch of time (in days) at home between flights: 73 days