Mileage run. This is a term that travel hobbyists use frequently that I did not know the full definition of until last week. I know can count myself a member of the elite (or crazy…) who partake in the infamous mileage run! This is the account of my first mileage run.
A mileage run (or MR if you are hip to the lingo) is when you book a flight just for the loyalty points you earn with the airline (or hotel for that matter). Usually this is done when you find an extremely low fare on an airline you like to earn status with.
Living in Seattle, my airline of choice is Alaska. I have been MVP for the past few years, but this year I am aiming for MVP Gold. The benefits of MVP Gold are extensive; most important to me are upgrades to first class and ability to change a flight with no penalty. You must earn 40,000 “elite qualifying miles” (or EQMs), which usually means actual miles flown. Miles you earn through using your Alaska Airlines Visa Card, for example, do not count towards elite status.