A little known benefit of a credit card you may already own is free rental car status through MasterCard World Elite. For example, my Barclaycard Arrival + MasterCard is World Elite. If you have a MasterCard (and most people d0), check the front or the back of the card for the “World Elite” title under the logo. Common airline credit cards that are World Elite include Hawaiian, American, and Virgin.
Once you have identified you MasterCard Elite, the easiest way to enroll is to call 1-855-802-1387 from the US. Currently the offers are for Avis, National, and Sixt. So what do you get with the rental car status? Here is a handy chart that shows you the benefits:
To sign up for the status:
- Avis – Must call 1-855-802-1387
- National – Visit www.nationalcar.com/offer/
mastercardelite - Sixt – Visit www.sixt.com/cwt-platinum
I signed up for all three.
I received both my Avis and National membership cards in about a week and Sixt about a week later. The best deal seems to be Avis First as with my membership card I was also told that since I “earned” status I also qualified for a free weekend rental.
Car rental status (at this level at least) isn’t super exciting. You may get a discount or a free upgrade. But since the status is free, I don’t see any reason not to use this benefit of free rental car status through MasterCard World Elite.
HT to Points with a Crew for alerting me to this.
Cool glad it was able to help you out!